WONDER>FIT 是坐落于浙江临海的一个精品化健身俱乐部,今年已经是 Pocca 与 WONDER>FIT 合作的第三年。对 WONDER>FIT 来说,每一年的 12 月都是俱乐部的周年庆,今年,Pocca 继续为 WONDER>FIT 设计了全新的七周年活动推广视觉形象。我们以“保持运动 Keep Moving”为新一年度故事的核心,通过且简洁且直接的方式将数字 7 作为基础视觉元素,创建出灵活多变且具有一致性视觉吸引力的图形系统,应用于海报、移动数字媒介、会员卡及会员周边等一系列触点和物料当中。
WONDER>FIT is a fitness club situated in Linhai, Zhejiang Province. Pocca has been collaborating with WONDER>FIT for the past three years since 2021. Every December, WONDER>FIT celebrates its anniversary, and this year, Pocca has designed a new visual identity for its seventh-anniversary campaign. With “Keep Moving” as the central theme for the New Year’s story, the number 7 is used as the primary visual element, which is applied consistently across various materials such as posters, digital media, membership cards, and members’ peripherals to create a flexible and cohesive graphic system.