Catherine Griffiths: SOLO IN [ ] SPACE – A documentation
Arts & Culture
Editorial Design
Editorial Design
Book Design
2019 年 10 月由 Pocca 联合创办人段智华策划并制作的展览 »凯瑟琳·格里菲斯:场域间的独奏« 在上海的 The Space Gallery 展出,展览是为国际著名新西兰文字设计师及艺术家 Catherine Griffiths 策划的其在中国的首个精选作品回顾考察展。作为一次以设计师的创作过程而非创作结果为主轴和线索的展览,由丰富的工作内容和文字及图像档案辅以最终作品呈现的可供参观者阅读的语境化或叙述性空间,它得到了专业内外很多观众的喜爱,也让这位身处“世界边缘”的著名设计师进入更多中国观众的视野,并为文字设计领域带来不一样的参考视角。
经过展览 »凯瑟琳·格里菲斯 : 场域间的独奏« 结束后两年间的发酵与数月的紧张编辑和设计工作,在展览两周年之际,由展览策展人段智华与艺术家 Catherine Griffiths 共同策划、编辑与设计,并由 Pocca 推出了这本《凯瑟琳·格里菲斯 :场域间的独奏« ——档案》。我们将这份印刷物视为一份展览的纸质版延伸,也是对我们在展览中关注的“创作过程”的进一步扩展。
The exhibition »Catherine Griffiths: SOLO IN [ ] SPACE«, curated and produced by Duan Zhihua, the Founding Partner and Design Principal of Pocca, was on view at The Space Gallery in Shanghai in October 2019, and was the first retrospective of internationally renowned New Zealand artist, typographer and designer Catherine Griffiths in China. As an exhibition that focuses on the designer's design process rather than the outcome, the rich archive of works, texts, and images are complemented by a contextualized and narrative space for visitors to read. It has also brought this famous designer, who is on the "edge of the world", into the view of more Chinese audiences and brought a different perspective of reference to the field of typography in China.
After two years of fermentation and months of intense editing and design work since the end of the exhibition, and on the second anniversary of the exhibition, we launched this post-exhibition book with a title »Catherine Griffiths: SOLO IN [ ] SPACE« – A documentation which was curated, edited and designed by exhibition curator Zhihua Duan and artist Catherine Griffiths together. We see this print as an extension of a paper version of the exhibition and a further expansion of the “design process” we focus on in the exhibition.
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Available for purchasing worldwide through email to hello@pocca.design, OR direct purchase via ︎︎︎ Vapour Momenta Books (New Zealand), ︎︎︎ Draw-Down Books (US).

在这整本档案中,既包括对精选的 Catherine 过往作品的呈现,也包括对她的创作脉络和展览策展脉络的记录。以 220 页的容量使用中英双语呈现,整理超过 250 张图稿,超过 50000 字的文本【包括来自 Leonardo Sonnoli(著名意大利设计师)、Liza Enebeis(荷兰登贝设计创意总监)、古平正义(著名日本设计师,FLAME inc.艺术指导)、孟鑫(有关设计部门创始人及创意指导)和 Anastasia Genkina(俄罗斯书籍设计师)五位国际设计师为展览特别撰写的文本,以及四篇解析 Catherine 设计哲学的过往采访和发表文章的精选】,详尽的将展览的策展过程以及 Catherine 过往三十年设计实践对文字设计(Typography)的思考向读者娓娓道来。
The entire archive includes a selection of Catherine's past works, as well as a record of her design practice and the curatorial process. Presented in 220 pages in both Chinese and English, the archive contains over 250 drawings and over 50,000 words [from Leonardo Sonnoli (renowned Italian designer), Liza Enebeis (Creative Director of Denbigh Design, The Netherlands), Masayoshi Kodaira (renowned Japanese designer and Art Director of FLAME inc.), Scarlett Xin Meng (Founder and Creative Director of the Related Department and Anastasia Genkina (Russian book designer) have written special texts for the exhibition, as well as four selected interviews and published articles that explain Catherine's design philosophy]. In this way, the exhibition's curatorial process and Catherine's reflections on typography over three decades of design practice are presented in detail.