2024: A Journey FROM the Center of the Earth
Arts & Culture
Exhibition Visual Identity
Exhibition Visual Identity
Poster Design
Editorial Design (wip)

“受凡尔纳《地心之旅》的启发,展览《2024:地心之旅》是发生在当下,以当代艺术为载体,从地心出发的反向之旅。13 位全球艺术家及组合汇聚在这场自下而上的旅行中,以非人类中心主义的视角,呈现对人类纪的地球命运与人类走势的视觉思考。展览从地球深度时间的无人风景中出发和攀升,在荒无人烟的冰岛大山和神妖出没的挪威森林,致敬凡尔纳和大自然,在连接前现代的土壤、大漆、星图和北欧神话到后现代的代码编程、电脑游戏、AI学习和赛博格身体的绿幕通道前行。凡尔纳小说的结尾,历经磨难的主人公借火山喷发的动力返回地表,2024的地心之旅,依仗艺术能量,回归到人类的身体和意识本能。从地心穿越到地表,从神话走向科学,向宇宙星空和比星空更深邃的人类意识之海航行。2024的地心之旅,将当代艺术置于历史与未来共时的风暴中,如本雅明描述的“新天使”,鼓励我们共同想象地球的往事和未来。”(策展前言,策展人:王凯梅)
经过疫情期间的停滞,Pocca 在后疫情时代下首次且再度与策展人王凯梅女士合作,为其在上海外滩艺术中心 185 空间策划的新展览《2024: 地心之旅》设计展览的视觉推广形象、系列海报、展厅信息展陈等。在此次的视觉叙事之中,我们希望将地心之旅这股振奋人心的力道和魅力进行直击人心的具有感染力的转译,黑暗、光、地心、奇幻、神性相互交织,像是宣言,又像是明晰的启迪,既能够在宣传媒介中快速抓人眼球,亦能够贴合此次展览的主题与展览作品呈现。
Inspired by Verne’s book, this exhibition is a reverse journey from the center of the Earth, wandering with 13 global artists and group whose works examine the condition of the Earth and humans from a non-anthropocentric perspective. We start our journey in the geological deep time, elevate to the magnificent mountains of Iceland, and step into the Norwegian woods inhabited by trolls and elves. As we walk with artworks using traditional materials and enter the world of computer games and AI learning, we are being reminded of our strong connections with nature from the start of our civilization to our current digital world. At the end of Verne’s novel, the protagonists returned to the Earth surface by accelerating with a volcano eruption. In our “2024’s journey”, the power of art lead us to reach deeper secrets of human mind. From the center of the Earth to land surface, from mythology to science, we sail towards the celestial unknown, and even deeper to the sea of human consciousness. The journey brings history into conjunction with the future, as Walter Benjamin’s notion of Angelus Novus. While walking through the exhibition, we encourage our visitors to meditate over our planet’s ancient past and reimagine our common future.(Writen by curator Kaimei Wang)
After a hiatus during the pandemic, Pocca collaborates once again with curator Ms. Wang Kaimai for the first time in the post-pandemic era, to design the visual identity, a series of posters, and the exhibition information display for her new exhibition titled "2024: A Journey FROM the Center of the Earth" at the Bund Art Center 185 Space in Shanghai. In this visual narrative, we aim to translate the inspiring force and charm of the journey to the center of the Earth into a compelling and touching story. The intertwining elements of darkness, light, the Earth's core, fantasy, and divinity resonate like a manifesto or a clear revelation. This approach not only captures attention quickly across promotional media but also aligns closely with the theme and exhibits of this exhibition.
After a hiatus during the pandemic, Pocca collaborates once again with curator Ms. Wang Kaimai for the first time in the post-pandemic era, to design the visual identity, a series of posters, and the exhibition information display for her new exhibition titled "2024: A Journey FROM the Center of the Earth" at the Bund Art Center 185 Space in Shanghai. In this visual narrative, we aim to translate the inspiring force and charm of the journey to the center of the Earth into a compelling and touching story. The intertwining elements of darkness, light, the Earth's core, fantasy, and divinity resonate like a manifesto or a clear revelation. This approach not only captures attention quickly across promotional media but also aligns closely with the theme and exhibits of this exhibition.